6 Best Flat Water Hoses Review

Clear Flow Hose is proud to get featured at Wiki Ezvid.

Here is what they are saying about the top 6 garden hoses on the market today.

We spent 26 hours on research, videography, and editing, to review the top choices for this wiki. Whether you are looking for an unobtrusive irrigation solution or need something tough to handle industrial-grade applications, take a look at these flat water hoses.

Available in options that are lighter than rubber hoses, they are perfect for everything from watering flower beds to marine cleaning to use with submersible pumps. Read more for the review at their website here http://wiki.ezvid.com/best-flat-water-hoses

Clear Flow Hose Review

garden hose review number 5

Palmate Features the Clear Flow in a Lightweight Hose Review

We have clearly won over a fan. Pete Bowes from Palmate Gardening has reviewed garden hoses and watering hoses, among other garden products on their company website. We discussed in a previous post that the Clear Flow Garden Hose was featured in their top five garden hose review. We were directed to this review by a customer, and upon exploring the Palmate Website further, we found a previous review on lightweight garden hoses, in which the Clear Flow was more heavily reviewed by Pete and his wife Elaine. Both list their recommendations for use and application of the product, and we are certainly interested in speaking with them.

Here is an excerpt from their review. Elaine says:

I absolutely love this hose — and I know my husband has grumbled about the manageability, but for what I do in the garden on a daily basis, it is quite close to perfect. It is fully recyclable. I hope to one day understand how and why… and while in some ways a regular garden hose may suffice to help you water the plants in your lawn and garden, you need to know that you have better alternatives, especially if a light weight hose option is necessary.

Quick Update: Pete and Elaine Bowes from Palmate Gardening have reached out to us and we are scheduling a call to discuss the hose and it’s application at their greenhouse and home. More to come…

lightweight garden hose review

Clear Flow is Lightweight and Drinking Safe!

Clear Flow Hose Featured on Palmate’s Garden Blog

It was brought to our attention that our hose has been featured on a top three (3) list again, and this time it was a US-based company called Palmate Gardening. It was brought to our attention by Aimee72, so thank you Aimee. Here is an excerpt from the August 2016 post:

There isn’t any such thing as one kind of watering hose being perfect for everyone. The garden hose that will work for you typically depends on how large your yard or property is that you will be using it for, what exactly you are planning to do with the hose, and how it will be stored (on a reel, in a shed, etc.), and what your budget looks like. When gardening, age and health are factors that you need to consider. In general, there are six main things that you need to consider when choosing a water hose: the fittings (male and female), the strength, the flexibility, the material(s) it is made of, the length and diameter of said product.

In a previous article, I reviewed the reasons why our top picks for 3 best garden hoses made our list, along with the features that need to be considered when buying a new garden hose. This was done in order to make sure you, the consumer, was aware of the top benefits and most frequently discussed drawbacks when choosing a quality product.

Our picks are all products that I’ve fortunately been able to use every day. So they are my biased selections and based on the overall considerations that are listed above, I consider them to be the finest water hoses. Go ahead and try any of the three out and I’m sure it will be a positive experience for you, and the hose will hopefully last for a number of seasons. I also included those Amazon reviews that really stood out for me. Note: I did avoid the 1-star reviews on Amazon; those ones tend to be from customers that are beyond assistance from customer care, or are the low percentage of consumers that had a defective product.

If a garden hose is of high quality, it should last for 5 to 10 years (and also have a warranty that comes with it). However, numerous homeowners who buy low quality garden hoses end up needing to replace it each year due to bursting, cracks or rot. If you are fairly handy, you will be able to repair some problems. However, buying a good quality hose from the very start is much more cost-effective.

It gratifies us at Clear Flow to see the product go under such constructive criticism and testing. The original long-form product review is here. We have reached out to Pete from Palmate and have yet to receive a response. Updates to come.

Is Gardening Really Exercise?

gardening exerciseGardening to me is a well-rounded activity that is an art and science. It is my favorite hobby and daily productive activity a well as an amazing source of relaxation; but is it really considered exercise?

I have a semi- annual discussion on this topic with my Mother in law of 82 years.

She says that her daily exercise is gardening. She works up quite a sweat to by dividing perennials, shoveling dirt, hauling sacks of soil, pulling weeds, trimming trees, and such; sometimes she spends her whole day outdoors. By the time she is through she is tired, sweaty and not a little sore, but the kind of sore you feel after a healthy work out that took your muscles a bit farther than last time.

So, obviously gardening can by a vigorous physical activity; to both physical and mental capacities this is very healthy when done regularly.

But my point is that the type of exercise we need these days must be done in a more deliberate and methodical manner. this way we are more fit to undertake the daily physical challenges that life brings our way and better enjoy such interests as gardening.

What I mean by this is that we must exercise in order to better perform such tasks as gardening.  We should practice physical fitness so that we can better twist, bend, lift, pull, trim and complete all the other movements that yard work demands. What is needed is a Plan for Garden Training that can be followed whether we are 22 or 82.

Gardening is the ultimate goal, the season, the playoffs. In the off season it is still important to maintain that physical condition and preparation. In the same way as you would train for a sport, you must include the following 3 Basic Exercise Categories.  Altogether, you end up with a training program that is both fun and effective.

Gardening with the Three Basic Exercise Categories:


In order to prepare for long days of physical activity go for long walks, bike rides or swimming. Practice each of these activities for thirty minutes a day, although a full hour would be much better.

Be sure that your heart rate is elevated and should be at around 70% of your maximum capacity, in other words you feel your physical effort at 7.5 out of your full 10. Talking should be interrupted by a couple breaths a sentence but mostly unaffected.

This routine should be repeated a few times a week (3 -5), for a few months before gardening season kicks off.

Range of Motion

Avoid any injuries from twisting, lifting or bending by keeping the joints and movables of your body, such as the spine, hips, knees shoulders and neck, moving freely and regularly as they should.

Exercises like yoga or Pilates are highly recommended, these have dynamic drills that address structural alignment and strengthening of supporting muscles. They also keep the body’s joints moving freely.

These activities should be regularly practiced all year round as they are very healthy and can keep your body in pique physical condition. Practiced before beginning a session of gardening they can help you to stretch and warm up.


Keeping a strong muscular frame will help you to easily breeze through your work shoveling and plucking out perennials, without strain or exhaustion. You will not feel the aching of tired muscles upon completion, either. This can be done by weight lifting or lifting your own body as weight resistance is an excellent way to condition your body for the task at hand.

Strength training provides the best results when done two or three times in a week. To prepare for the gardening season begin a couple months before the season begins.

As for my Mah-in-Lah, she spends a solid hour everyday walking her dog and regularly practices Yoga in the off season, she is more than prepared for many more years in her lovely garden. Be sure to consult with a professional fitness instructor before beginning any fitness routines.

New Water Regulation Policies Passed For Some Cities

Water Regulation PoliciesA week ago new policies were passed by the district with a 25% add on drought supplement rate. According to Mayor Sam Licardo, he is in support of the policy citing this time as a period of crisis that cannot allow any cowardly action.

Communities in Southern California also witnessed a significant change in their goal expectations. San Diego and Los Angeles had earlier claimed a 20% cut  but were given 16%. San Bernardino will on the other hand have to impose a 32% cut in place of 25% expected.

For the first time in 165 years, California is experiencing the most serious drought as a state.  On April 1, Brown issued the first announcement on compulsory water conservation laws in a media briefing in the green Sierra Nevada pastures. It indicated that during that period of the year is usually coated with snow over 5 feet high.

Every city and agency will have the duty to establish the necessary cuts, either by imposing increased fines, rates or incentives to restrict use.
Mayor Liccardo also launched a proposal to request San Jose City Council on its Tuesday assembly to consider a 30% water reduction mark.

According to his remarks, he said that residents understand that once in a while there would be reasonable distractions of supply in the process of getting a better solution for dependable water supply in the city.

The recommendations are expected to be passed by the county council on Tuesday, if passed, they would regulate watering of lawns across the city whether in homes or business parks. This is in spite of whoever the water provider is, and only allow watering twice weekly i.e Tuesday and Friday for addresses ending with even numbers and Mondays and Thursdays for those ending with odd numbers.
Only public parks, gardening stores, daycare centers and golf courses as well as schools will be left out of this law.

The regulations also forbid refilling of swimming pools and forbid those who would want to put up lawns and non-drought-resistant plants in upcoming installations May through to October with the omission of developments that are under construction.

Liccardo noted that the city planning division will implement the new laws as well as charge fines on those breaking them.

He supposed that most of the inhabitants were playing their role but it was necessary to make sure that all were on the same page.

Tips To Get You Started With Organic Gardening

drinking water safe garden hoseWhile certain cities stateside might still have snow covering the ground, it’s still that time of year, where everyone is starting to think about spring planting. While it’s on your brain, why not thinking about going organic and natural in your garden?

If you’re a beginning gardener, thinking about growing organic products might seem a little intimidating and overwhelming. It’s not as difficult as some people may make it sound, and in fact with a little basic knowledge, you can be growing an organic garden in your backyard using a natural ecoysystem.

The difference between growing food organically and regular gardening is that you don’t use the synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. The synthetic pesticides have chemical bases, which can be harmful, while organic pesticides utilize plant, mineral and other natural sources.

They key to growing a healthy and productive organic garden is ensuring that the soil has a healthy structure and texture, and is full of nutrients. The best soil is well-draining and made of compost, silt, clay and sand. What you’re going to find, however, is that most soil generally has an extreme amount of one ingredient. As a general rule of thumb, it should be about 50/50 when it comes to solid soil and pore spaces. You can help your soil get closer to this ratio by using compost in your soil. Ideal garden soil is loose enough and crumby so that it can be penetrated by roots, water and air.

The soil of course must also be fertile in order to grow produce. Soil fertility is influenced by nutrients, pH balance, soil texture and organic matter. Adding additional organic matter to the soil helps improve fertility naturally by working towards a better pH balance as well as improving the structure of the soil. Soil should be tested annually and you should be aware of lead levels. Some variables around the garden that are within your control are runoff and any tools made with lead or leeching plastics. The lead free water hose shown in the video below is your answer for water distribution (shameless plug for 10 years of R&D!).

Another thing you will run into as a gardener is pests. Gardeners often use synthetic pesticides to help control the garden pests, but this is not good and it’s not organic. Integrated pest management is how organic gardeners handle their garden, and this strategy utilizes physical, cultural and biological components. It is all about using what is going to help the plants grow and hurt the environment the least, with chemicals only being used when everything else isn’t working. There are all kinds of natural methods used, such as predator organisms, crop rotation, plant coverings, tool cleaning and more.

Weeds can also cause problems for organic gardeners of course. There are many natural strategies for weed remediation, such as using mulch to smother the weeds, pulling them by hand, burning them and using faster-growing plants around them.

You can sustain an organic garden by sticking with the basics and building a proper foundation of organic gardening strategies. The USDA’s Organic Agriculture site is a great source of information for additional tips and tricks for organic gardening.

Roger Walsh is an engineer and hobbyist gardener. He is the proud inventor of the Clear Flow Garden Hose.

This No Freeze Garden Hose Is the Best for Your Environment

Drinking Water Safe Garden HoseTo most people, a garden hose is a garden hose it is a conduit to get water from the source to their garden or any other place or object in the yard. What they may not know is that not all garden hoses are the same. Most ordinary garden hoses come with some major risks including:

The plastic that is used to make ordinary hoses contains a chemical called BPA or bisphenol A. This chemical is slowly released over time and if ingested it can cause health problems including brain malfunction, liver cancer and prostate problems especially in small children.best-garden-hose-banner

Most hoses have brass parts which contain lead. The pigment that is used in the tube also contains lead. Because these hoses are opaque they can have large amounts of bacteria and algae that users are not aware of. Other materials used in the manufacture of hoses have been linked to several kinds of cancers.

Should you be taking such risks with the hose that you use to water the food in your garden and even drink from? Clearly not. You can make a wiser choice by investing in the Clear Flow Expandable garden hose. This hose, which was invented by Roger Walsh, has been proven to be the safest in the market. It comes with outstanding features such as:

1. The material that is used to make it, polyurathane, is 100% safe. The hose is listed by National Sanitation Foundation as the best in the United States the materials its made from have been tested and proven to be a lot safer than drinking from a plastic bottle.

2. The materials dont degrade over time and seep into the water. In the same way, they also dont absorb anything from the environment.

3. The fact that these hoses are 100% recyclable makes them great for the environment. No other garden hose comes with this quality.

4. The hose is clear so you can see any debris that may be lodged inside just run the water for a few seconds and the hose is clean for use.

5. Do you hate the way hoses kink? Youll be happy to know that this no freeze water hose is kink free.

6. Get rid of the yuck bacteria and algae for good by choosing the best no freeze garden hose. Because the hose is transparent sunlight is able to get through it and kill bacteria as well as any other stuff that may be growing inside.

7. To make it double-safe, the hose uses pressure from the water source to empty itself completely. Once you turn off the tap all water is forced out leaving it dry. In addition to that, the hose flattens completely which reduces the odds of debris getting lodged in it.

8. Polyutherane is one of the toughest materials on earth it can last for up to 50 years. You can expect your no freeze water hose to last a long time.

9. Often, many home owners are stuck wondering how to keep a garden hose from freezing. With this hose you never have to. It has nylon fittings that act as an insulator so that you can use it in cold weather.

10. The nylon fittings are also crush-proof. You can run over this hose with your car and it will stay intact.

These are 10 reasons for raving no freeze water hose reviews users simply love that not only is it safer for them it is also safe for the environment and durable. Dont take risks with cheap, ordinary garden hoses when you can invest in the best no freeze garden hose.

Clear Flow: The Best Toxin Free Garden Hose in the Market

Toxic Garden HoseHave you ever stopped to think what kinds of toxins bacteria, algae and more – may be crawling around in your garden hose? This is not something that many people consider. The truth is that unless you have invested in a toxin free drinking hose you probably have a health hazard sitting in your yard. Ordinary garden hoses, the opaque kind, are home to multiple toxins. Every time you use them some water is left inside. When the sun heats them, they become a great environment for algae, bacteria and other filth to breed. Every time you take a drink from it, water your garden or water your pet you are taking a risk. In Addition to harmful toxins, ordinary garden hoses also come with the following risks:

Most garden hoses contain lead. Every time you douse yourself and have a drink from an ordinary garden hose you are risking lead contamination.

It isn’t only drinking from your hose that is risky. A study in 2003 found that the amount of lead in vegetables grown in urban areas and watered using garden hoses was enough to contribute to the human body burden of lead.

BPA, another harmful chemical, is commonly used in the materials that are used for making garden hoses. Exposure can lead to problems with cognition and even prostrate function.

A toxic water hose can also be caused by phthalate which is a material that is used to make hoses flexible. As your hose bakes in the sun on hot days, the chemicals in this material are slowly released and over time the levels rise.

The Clear Flow Garden Hose

If you feel like these are too many risks to take you will be happy to know that the Clear Flow toxin free water hose is a great solution. This hose, as the name implies, is made of clear Polyurethane. This means that when your hose is sitting out in the yard the heat from the sun penetrates and kills all bacteria, algae and any other creepy-crwalies that may be growing in it. This toxin free drinking hose comes with additional advantages:

Polyurethane is such a tough material that it can last for 50 years. Once you invest in this hose you can be sure that it will last a while. It is so strong that running over it with your car doesn’t do any damage.

It has no fittings which means that the risk of lead and BPA poisoning is eliminated.

All the materials that are used to make this PVC-free garden hose have been tested and found to be safe. The national Sanitation Foundation has listed it as the safest hose manufactured in the United States.

This is one of the top garden hoses for those who are concerned about saving their environment. The entire hose is recyclable which eliminates waste.

The hose is designed to empty itself completely when the water source is turned off there is no moisture left behind to promote growth of any kind.

Your vegetable garden, your pets and your kids will be a lot safer with this toxin free drinking hose. Order your Clear Flow hose today!

Old Garden Hose Attack

A Tested Small Lightweight Garden Hose

Old Garden HosesTo many a hose is a means of transferring water from the house to the garden, the car, or to hose down themselves and have a drink on a hot day. Take a closer look at the hose you own, it may have been unwise to buy the first hose that you came across.

Many hoses are big and bulky and moving them around is a problem. If you look at reviews of small lightweight garden hose, you will see that one of the most commented-on features is the ability to carry and store them without difficulty.

You want to be able to fit your hose in a small space so it should wind into a nice, compact unit. Unfortunately, this is not the case with most hoses. At best, they will take up a few square yards when wound.

Old Garden Hose AttackAging seniors take up gardening to keep themselves busy. If they have a hose that is heavy, especially with water weight, it can be difficult for them to use and can even cause injuries.

You want a garden hose that is non-toxic, as most hoses come with brass fittings that contain lead. Many hose materials have been tested for chemicals and have been found to contain them at high, unsafe levels.

The Clear Flow Garden Hose

If you want a hose that is easy to move around you will not get one better than the Clear Flow Garden Hose. This small garden hose is the best in the market. It distinguishes itself for several reasons:

It is flat; once all the water has discharged it collapses into a flat shape making it very easy to fold and keep away.

It is lightweight even with water this hose is still pretty light. It would be a great gardening tool for anyone with spine issues.

Because of its shape it will not destroy your plants as you move about watering them.

It is made of Polyurethane which is one of the toughest materials known to man. Of all lightweight garden hoses, this one probably has the longest lifespan.

It doesn’t have any metallic fittings so there is no risk of contamination from lead or other chemicals.

It addresses one of the biggest problems with hoses: bacteria and algae. Opaque hoses are home to lots of toxins because they retain water. The Clear Flow is transparent. When the sun shines on it any bacteria and algae is killed off.

Many urban grown veggies contain high levels of lead because of the kinds of hoses that are used to water them. Let’s start avoiding that completely.

Try the Clear Flow® and see what a difference it makes in your garden, and in your daily, summer life.

Which Garden Hose Is Actually Drinking Water Safe

Lead Free Only Logo 08-28-12I’ve been avidly gardening commercially and as a hobbyist for decades, and both have required me to research about the safety of our water distribution methods. It’s the reason why I’ve applied my engineering background to developing drinking water safe hose products, along with a slew of other eco-friendly, lead-free, recyclable and NSF safe inventions.

According to Jeff Gearhart, Research Director of the Ecology Center, there are many products which he believes have a connection to causing the exposure to many harmful chemicals. This includes products that range from toys to baby products all the way up to building materials and vehicles.

Previously, garden products were not examined but a number of people (myself included) had started to ask about their safety. The answer we got was that they were doing an assessment and several products were screened. However, garden hoses seemed to give the most concern.

Many claimed to be drinking water safe, but one in every three that were tested showed lead levels that were above those allowed for drinking water. In one brand-case, the water tested was 18 times greater than allowed for normal consumption! While this is not illegal (because garden hoses are regulated under the same laws as plumbing fixtures), this is a very serious problem. These apparently safe drinking water hoses are often used to get a drink from and used to water the plants that are meant for people to eat. The primary cause is when components contain brass. It’s an alloy consisting of as much as 8 percent lead. While brass is often used in these fixtures, lead is also sometimes used as pigments or stabilizers, especially in green or yellow hoses. Lead is a known neurotoxin and children have even more vulnerability to lead poisoning than adults.

On the positive side, the state of California took action against three of the principal manufacturers of hoses over the amount of lead in their products in 2003 and the case was settled in 2004. Under the terms of the settlement, the companies which included Teknor Apex Company; Plastic Specialties and Technologies, Inc., Flexon Industries Corporation and Teckni-Plex were ordered to begin limiting lead content in their hoses. For more details, please look at the bottom of this page. Although the Ecology Center did not perform tests for lead leaching from these brands, many gardeners must have purchased their rubber garden hoses since 2007 which is when the full terms of the settlement went into effect. So the concern now is about other chemicals in the hoses such as phthalates and BPA.

Even dogs know the harm rubber garden hoses can cause!

clearflow water hoseIf you know about polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which has been called “poison plastic,” you can guess that these hoses not only contain phthalates but they leach these chemicals into the water inside the hose. Gearhart says that almost all of these hoses have phthalate plasticizers inside them. In fact, the phthalate (DEHP) levels in one were four times the permitted amount. Although some of these phthalates are now banned from toys for children they continue to be used in gloves and hoses for use in the garden.

Also concerning, BPA, which is known to disrupt endocrine function, it has recently been in the news because of campaigns to keep it out of baby sippy cups and baby bottles. These days customers are more aware of this danger and many water bottles made out of plastic are being sold as ‘BPA-free.” But it seems that the garden hose industry is not getting enough scrutiny. The National Science Foundation discovered BPA 20 times above acceptable levels for drinking water in these hoses.

In addition to these toxic chemicals, it was discovered that some of these products contained flame retardants and some heavy metals, particularly antimony and cadmium. It surprised Gearhart when flame retardants were found in a gardening hose. But when they also found bromine, further research was done to find out where it came from and the source was found to be flame retardants with bromine. The hoses that were tested were positive for these flame retardants which were made from recycled materials. This made Gearhart seriously wonder if recycled flame retardants were being recycled into garden hoses.

When these toxic chemicals are present in residential water it is easier to evaluate their impact, but it is much more complicated when these chemicals are in the garden. Each chemical must be evaluated for how quickly it will break down, what element they are after they break down and whether or not they will bind to the water or soil. Whether they are absorbed by plants also has to be considered. The problem is that if they are absorbed by plants the concern then becomes exactly where in the plant they are absorbed – seeds, fruits, leaves or roots. And most concerning of all, if children come into your garden, or even other adults, are they having a lot of soil contact or, in the case of the children, eating it.

So, if you are a gardener, what can you do about this problem? First, if you have the money you can replace the hose. Most of the top rated garden hoses available online in the USA are made from natural rubbers and a high percentage are not NSF safe. Obviously I am extremely biased because I put a lot of R & D and engineering into developing the world’s first Eco-friendly, lead free garden hose. I wanted it to be a drinking water safe garden hose made from NSF approved materials. I think we have the best all-around watering hose product. Of course other attributes came along with the product development, and you can find them listed on the Clear Flow® Garden Hose page.

If you are unable to quickly replace your hose, Gearhart has a few suggestions. First, absolutely no drinking from the hose! Second, always store the hose in shade. And finally, let it run for several minutes before you use it to water the plants.


(Source for Proposition 65 in California)

An Innovative Drinking Water Safe Hose


Did you know that the State of California published an Act, known as Proposition 65, which requires commercial entities to list any possible toxic chemicals that may be in their products? Since its enactment, over 800 toxic chemicals have been successfully listed and the shocking part is that some of these chemicals could be lingering at your doorstep.

How well do you trust your garden hose? Do your kids often drink from it? What you didn’t know is the possible drinking from garden hose danger your family is exposed to. Some of the hose fittings used in garden hoses contained traces of harmful chemicals which can lead to chronic diseases overtime.

The Answer is Clear Flow Garden Hose

There is a host of advantages you stand to gain from this product but lets start with the most important one the Clear Flow Garden Hose is a non toxic garden hose. Thats correct! This safe drinking water hose is the best on the market for safety, and is constructed from NSF (Public Health and Safety Organization) approved materials, meaning the components used to build are safe. Each assembled hose is tested at the manufacturing plant by industrial and chemical engineers.


Unlike the normal garden horses that often get tangled into difficult knots, the Clear Flow Garden hose is absolutely kink-free. It sits flat on the ground and totally expandable to boost its performance both indoors and outdoors. It is the kind of non-toxic garden hose you would use on your home garden, workshop, greenhouse or even barn.


Another new feature you would love in this drinking water safe hose is the self-draining properties. Once you are done using the hose, the internal high pressure drains all residual water until the pipe is left completely dry. This prevents any algae or mould build up that is common with conventional hose pipes – not to mention the bad odour that is a by-product of mouldy pipes.

Completely Lightweight

Despite all the fittings of the Clear Flow Garden hose being 100% recyclable, they are quite lightweight in nature as well. This makes the non-toxic garden hose feather weight and easy to move around when working in your garden or mini-workshop. Another benefit of the lightweight material is that they are designed to withstand harsh weather environments thus you are completely safe using the drinking water safe hose in summer or winter.

So if you are looking for a non-leaching, materials tested garden hose that doesn’t kink and is light enough to help you move around easy, the Clear Flow Garden hose is your safe bet right now.